Workplace strategy

Create true ‘memories that matter’ focusing on digital, emotional and physical dimensions.

Organisations are increasingly under pressure to reduce costs and increase profits - especially now. Real estate is an asset which is capable of hindering, or enhancing, employee and business performance. The challenge is maintaining a balance between implementing a workplace strategy that reduces the impact on the bottom-line whilst remaining inspiring, forward-thinking and attractive to both existing employees and future talent.

How we solve this challenge

With workplace strategy backed by research and science, an emphasis on health and wellbeing, and a strong change management process, our global team of 250+ professionals delivers the best possible workplace experience for you.

We customise your programme from end-to-end, leveraging surveys, interviews, workplace profiles and studies, robust change management processes and more.

Our process

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about workplace strategy? Contact us using the form below, we will contact you as soon as possible.
Lorena Gianlorenzi,Operations & Solutions Development Director
Lorena Gianlorenzi
Operations & Solutions Development Director



Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading global provider of real estate and investment management services. We take our responsibility to protect the personal information provided to us seriously.

Generally the personal information we collect from you are for the purposes of dealing with your enquiry.

We endeavor to keep your personal information secure with appropriate level of security and keep for as long as we need it for legitimate business or legal reasons. We will then delete it safely and securely. For more information about how JLL processes your personal data, please view our privacy statement.

How can your business thrive in the Next Normal?

From adding flexibility and resilience to your portfolio to re-designing your workplaces, our (re)imagine solution can help